Mr. Microphone and I

There is no stalemate in this battle between good and evil,  there is a winner, and there is a loser the loser fears the winner will begin to declare his victory long before the end. Newsflash the victory was won when Jesus rose up from the grave,  that enemy was death. Death did say he wanted to…

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Confusion in the enemies camp using crack(ed) pots.

The Bible tells us that a man by the name of Gideon was called to put together an army that would defeat the Midianite army.  The end result was most of them killed each other because the light was hidden within clay pots SUDDENLY they were broken open in the midst of the enemy's camp as…

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The Wisdom of Father None will be Higher

1 Timothy 2:5  For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; Father directed all the attention to HIS SON at creation whom the angels were to thank for the creation and all that they saw,  the stars, the galaxies, and the planets within the galaxies. To them, HE…

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Stating the Obvious Isaiah 66:22-23

Isaiah 66:22-23 On the top four list in the number four position is to remember the Sabbath Day and keep it HOLY. The early Church did including  Jesus.  It was when the resurrected priesthood through the antichrist spirit denying Christ's finished work took it over,  they changed the seasons and the times.  He is a…

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Read more about the article With Initials B.A.B.E.L. I Stand Confused but I’m Not.
G-d began speaking to me more often after the towers came down it was a trumpet call for me.

With Initials B.A.B.E.L. I Stand Confused but I’m Not.

Confusion is not of G-d though we send confusion into the enemies camp by being who we are a peculiar people. Hoping in the things we do not see but believe are, we have it better and worse than the angels who were cast out of heaven. We have a chance to get into a…

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Read more about the article Navigating the Universe Finding a NEW HOME.
The Bible is made up of 66 books but four of them are special because they reveal G-d's heart and will the time he came to earth. Found in Matthew, Mark which show equal sizes and were both eyewitnesses of the center the largest the gospel of John the one that shines the brightest especially chapter 3 and the tiniest the book of Luke the Dan Rather of the Middle East around 58-63 AD.

Navigating the Universe Finding a NEW HOME.

The image is one that shows a galaxy surrounded by larger and smaller circles that represent major and minor prophets who gave us the greatest book ever written,  they surround the greatest treasure found in the four gospels  Matthew, Mark  Luke and John there are five orbits with three planets surrounding the gospel that has reached…

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Read more about the article Impedance and Resistance
This is called "Bird Brain" the enemy built it . It does not point to any Bible passages and I'm not surprised. He called me a Bird Brain while I was growing up putting the clever name of Booby in front of irt. the real Boob is the one who made it. It shows he needs us to get his technical knowledge from.

Impedance and Resistance

Are two technical terms they work along side each other along with the interrupter who want's to change the direction of the flow of current. Current without these three elements has a force output equal to its input,  imagine the impact that would make if G-d was not impeded? The feature image you see was done in…

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What is the Kingdom – MERCY and JUSTICE

Matthew 5:10  Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:17-20  Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.  (18)  For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one…

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Operation Glass Cleaner

1 Corinthians 13:12  For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. In every battle, a series of operations may take place engineered by the high-ranking officials within the military. Given names like Operation Desert Storm, …

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Read more about the article \o/ Steering the Covenant \o/
The trinity behind the wheel made up of 18 parts the truckers Psalm is Psalm 18.

\o/ Steering the Covenant \o/

When you gave your life to Christ, you entered into a covenant to honor and follow HIM,  to trust in HIM. I only can do what Father allows me to do finding the truth and revealing it to others. Truth is what Father rejoices in, and HE is seeking those who will worship HIM in Spirit…

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Read more about the article Weapons of War
Protected by three circles it is the weapon against the ungodly. The pentagon is wrapped in flags. Inside the devil and his minions await hiding behind our flag. Having corrupted our politics.

Weapons of War

Now and then you need to do a post that will appeal to the masses, and it seems everyone today except for the elect love war and violence. Ecclesiastes 9:18  Wisdom is better than weapons of war: but one sinner destroyeth much good. Fools will tell you that once we finish the war over here…

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Read more about the article Looking at the MOST HIGH
In this family Lucifer we start at the bottom. This is exactly where the most high had HIS start.

Looking at the MOST HIGH

I have been a believer in G-d from the day I arrived on the planet earth 6:10:59 when these numbers are added together we have 75 or 15 x 5 or 555 Five days a week 555 will always come before 666. I surrendered my life to HIM on May 13, 1982, after finally reading the…

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If I Had a Ministry There would be Prerequisites

They are not necessary to serve the LORD or I only to serve those who need the LOVE of Jesus manifested through them a passionate heart for the LORD is a powerful chain breaker. Movies that would be on my must-see list is anything from Sherwood Pictures.  Courageous,  War Room, Fireproof and Facing the Giants,  I…

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I Love a Good Mystery

Throughout the ages, the best answer when you don't know the answer for religious people has been "its a mystery". Mark 4:11-12  And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables:  (12) …

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A Better Devil’s Advocate

We had the devil beat from the beginning now we just need to expose his strongholds over you and they come in the form of 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 ministers. Those who answer a matter before hearing it are outlined in the scriptures as being fools.   Given the opportunity to tear down the kingdom of darkness using…

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They learn NOTHING!

It was Christmas 2008 my family was having our usual gathering comprised of  Mormon's, Catholic's,  Atheists, even a few AG people in a backslidden state.  I was the only BORN AGAIN in the group which meant I was the only one with the indwelling of the HOLY SPIRIT in my heart not in my head.   Because of…

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