Two ways Now to Lift Up Jesus and Save Souls Without Breaking Reeds

The first was understanding the symbols of the battle built before man was created and finding them in Egypt, close to where they have a war right now, revealing that neither side may know God at all. One side spent four hundred years as enslaved people doing operation cover-up. The other is understanding these…Do you…

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Battle Cry – We Don’t LOVE TRUTH and God Rejoices In It. The TRUTH that is.

Battle Cry is a publication produced by a great man who won many souls to Christ; amazing how his appointed time called home points to it is a wise man who wins souls. Before you judge me, know that the KJV served us and built America setting countless souls free from the clutches of the…

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The Key Bridge to Heaven is not through Mary Land but through ONE sacrifice.

I found the number of people, 8, who were reported as casualties like a dark sentence. Interestingly, the number eight refers to Father and Son sitting face to face. There are fifty-five holes in the chainsaw blade times the two thrones or full circles, giving us the all-important clue of 2×55 = Psalm 110:1. Angels…

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Read more about the article Having a form of Godliness but denying its power?
What stumbling block? These are not idols they're action figures. Old men should not be playing with dolls grow up!

Having a form of Godliness but denying its power?

The featured image is Peter hard at work feeding the sheep God asked him to do. 2 Timothy 3:5-7 KJV (5)  Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. (6)  For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led…

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Read more about the article The Fish the Angels Do Not Want- The Pilot Fish is One.
Your God who loves you made me look like this for a reason!

The Fish the Angels Do Not Want- The Pilot Fish is One.

Follow me, Jesus said of himself, and HE will make us fishers of men! Look at his cute little prison outfit a living parable. The crop image for this post is a set of shark teeth that in real life the pilot fish help clean. It’s a living parable. Note how it distorts the star…

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Read more about the article The overlook.
Ukraine. A magical autumn sunrise, with mist creeping over valleys, over mountain formations far from civilization. Synevyr pass located in the Carpathian mountains.

The overlook.

Discernment is a valuable gift given to the chosen and elect of God. Having served in a Christian Film festival for over 20 years, we made it a point when inviting others to receive Christ as their savior to fill out counselor cards; then we would give them to ministers in their community who participated…

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The Spirit of Odin alive and well and in the Church.

The following is from the wiki: Odin is a widely revered god in Germanic paganism. Norse mythology, the source of most surviving information about him, associates him with wisdom, healing, death, royalty, the gallows, knowledge, war, battle, victory, sorcery, poetry, frenzy, and the runic alphabet, and depicts him as the husband of the goddess Frigg.…

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Read more about the article How the Passing of the Queen Plays on the Church
Gloating how they're back but not for long!

How the Passing of the Queen Plays on the Church

The Monarchy was meant to be a platform on which to notify the world that Jesus Christ is coming. She was the head of the Anglican Church, the church of the Angels.  Protestant by divine design and like any other Biblical Monarch, she was curious about her crop circles or the modern version of the…

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