Opening the Vault for the fight Germ Warfare- Part 3

God made America look as much like his Government as possible through man. Many of my Protestant friends claimed they had Catholic friends, and some kept insisting that they were Christians too. That some Catholics love Christ they would say, I insisted and still do that isn’t the point, we need them all to love…

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Fishers of Men

In ancient Babylon, a false god by the name of Baal was worshiped after they had forgotten Noah and the flood. Babylonian gods only survive because people feed them, demons twisting the stories of scripture, knowing man's heart is dark and embraces their nonsense. For the elect, it makes no sense at all; it only…

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We Showed Him Who’s Boss.

He thought he could just come in and slay a dragon and set captives free by opening the word of God to the world and telling us Jesus has a value that's worth the world. Letting us know Christ is at the door. LOL, what a maroon. We showed him with our awesome powers of…

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Bill W. has nothing on David R.

The faith of a mustard seed can move mountains. It is not the size of the faith as much as it is to whom we place it in. AA teaches one to place their faith in a higher power, hoping that the person will eventually gravitate toward the true high power?? No, it needs to…

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You’ll never guess who is getting left behind in the tribulation?

I just went through this audiobook for my second time and if you have not heard it once,  you should. It's a great way to test to see if you have the HOLY SPIRIT who God promised us would lead us into all truth. If I had to rate it, it's FIVE stars if there…

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My Friend David Knows Who Was Really Behind 9/11

Like C.S. Lewis, whom Father took home at the age of 64 on the day they shot John F. Kennedy (Psalm 64:1-10) just to reveal we are not blind to what is going on, and we hold his church responsible. My friend went home at the age of 42, 37 days after 9/11. Psalm 37:1-40…

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WJWD What Jesus Wouldn’t Do.

  WJWD. Exalt anyone above HIS Father or Himself. Break any of the laws placed by HIS FATHER Have us pray to anyone else other than HIS FATHER in HIS NAME. Harm a Child Forbid anyone from marrying. Take a child from a loving mother. Place idols in the path of the house of Israel…

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Meet the Holics Worko, Choco, Alco and Pedo.

Each of them is unique in their own macabre way, but they all lack wisdom. Workaholics try to escape having to deal with more important matters of life or dealing with others. They make work the most important matter telling themselves they will take it easy when they reach their pinnacle and financial plateau.  …

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The Truth about Natural Selection

The devil is naturally seeking whom he may devour. Ever Notice the Evolutionists working so hard to deny there is a creator and that the Bible is not a book written by the spirit of God who possessed men to write it? Christians believe in God because the HOLY SPIRIT in us confirms it's true,…

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The Key to Great Revival’s All Have One Thing in Common

The word of God preached by the person God desires to start it with, followed by true repentance, not just lip service. Now with that said, what if we were all on the same page away from the apostasy? Throwing the net on the proper side of the boat will, of course, always yield a…

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One Smart Pharaoh vs One Not So Smart

The first is a man not "born again," not filled with the HOLY SPIRIT but spiritually sensitive enough to know God had plans for Abram and Sarai. Genesis 12:10-20 KJV (10)  And there was a famine in the land: and Abram went down into Egypt to sojourn there; for the famine was grievous in the…

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Gibb’s Rule No. 39 There are no Coincidence’s ~Updated

There are 39 Old Testament books in the Bible and 3x9 = 27 there are 27 New Testament books giving us a total of 66 books of the Bible, and the 6th book of the New Testament is Romans. Can we agree that would be 666? Is God trying to reveal something to us using…

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To Win The Hearts and Minds of the World.

King David was to Israel the greatest King ever, and the word of God (Bible) teaches us he was a man after God's own heart. Many of the crop circles on the grounds of Protestant England point to these Psalms as I know without a doubt God is after our hearts and minds. Today we…

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Read more about the article Knowledge of the Holy
Moses and Joshua bow before the ark the symbol of G-d's presence on earth and a sacred place in heaven.

Knowledge of the Holy

There is a great Theologian by the name of A.W. Tozer who did a book with the same title it is a must-read for anyone who inquires of the Holy. HEAVEN (sky above us)  and EARTH shall pass away but the word of the LORD shall endure FOREVER! Matthew 24:35  Heaven and earth shall pass…

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