Verily Verily Enforcing The Message.

In John 3:3 Jesus makes it clear how one is to get into heaven or can even see it.  Verily, verily can be translated into Truly,  truly or Surely, surely. This duplication is God's confirmation that this needs to happen in order for the miracle to take place. Duplication in scripture is not a coincidence…

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The Berean Call

We will be judged by our adherence to the word and by our stand upon it. A good Berean studies the scriptures to see if those things are true of which is spoken. Acts 17:10-11 KJV (10)  And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea: who coming thither went into…

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We Showed Him Who’s Boss.

He thought he could just come in and slay a dragon and set captives free by opening the word of God to the world and telling us Jesus has a value that's worth the world. Letting us know Christ is at the door. LOL, what a maroon. We showed him with our awesome powers of…

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Have You Read John? Everyone Needs to Read John Again.

The gospel of John is the best gospel of the four,  there is a good reason. Note there are 21 Chapters that is 777 if you read it 7 chapters a day in three days one would be through it. To show God you mean business read it with an invite to each of the…

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Decepticons are Tricksters and Liars and They Exist in Spirit.

In the movie franchise "The Transformers" we learn of evil little robots called Decepticons that take on the appearance of everyday objects the following description of them for those not in the know is from the wiki and I am not a fan of deception or the Transformers for that matter. However, what they do…

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What’s wrong with fantasy or fiction?

If you are grounded in truth nothing, I will cling to the old rugged cross and trade it someday for a crown.  We know for certain Christ came into the earth, and we base our timetables on his arrival BC and once AD,  we were created to be creative. Understanding the difference, sorting it out,…

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Meet the Holics Worko, Choco, Alco and Pedo.

Each of them is unique in their own macabre way, but they all lack wisdom. Workaholics try to escape having to deal with more important matters of life or dealing with others. They make work the most important matter telling themselves they will take it easy when they reach their pinnacle and financial plateau.  …

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You can’t take it with you, however you can come back to it.

Jesus is going to establish HIS sovereign reign over planet earth and rule here. HE is the LORD of all planets as HE was instrumental in their creation because HE is God. In the Middle East, HE revealed HIMSELF in physical flesh as the SON Jesus. He will reign here on old earth for one…

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A compass can help you find your way home.

There are four corners of the earth NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, and WEST.  Anyone, not just hikers, soldiers, troopers, girl scouts, or even boy scouts, can tell you the value of a compass on a journey; it's there, so you do not lose your way back home. Let's not forget the other four points Northeast, Southeast,…

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Those who cannot speak and believe in the seven words will remain in the tribulation.

God spoke the word, and the heavens and earth were formed. That's how important these seven are to know and understand. Denying them as being true is denying God. Proverbs 3:3-5 KJV (3)  Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart: (4)  So…

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The Key to Great Revival’s All Have One Thing in Common

The word of God preached by the person God desires to start it with, followed by true repentance, not just lip service. Now with that said, what if we were all on the same page away from the apostasy? Throwing the net on the proper side of the boat will, of course, always yield a…

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Let’s Agree not to Disagree about the blood shed for freedom.

Thank God for America's soldiers who fought and died to defend our constitution and freedoms, including the most important one of all, the freedom to worship God that allows us to pray for them. With Jesus Christ comes freedom and Joy. America was a system that had only one true KING over them, and it…

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Gibb’s Rule No. 39 There are no Coincidence’s ~Updated

There are 39 Old Testament books in the Bible and 3x9 = 27 there are 27 New Testament books giving us a total of 66 books of the Bible, and the 6th book of the New Testament is Romans. Can we agree that would be 666? Is God trying to reveal something to us using…

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To Win The Hearts and Minds of the World.

King David was to Israel the greatest King ever, and the word of God (Bible) teaches us he was a man after God's own heart. Many of the crop circles on the grounds of Protestant England point to these Psalms as I know without a doubt God is after our hearts and minds. Today we…

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Doesn’t Seem Fair??? The gifts HE gives or the gift HE is?

When you make an agreement, you are to stick to it, keep your vows you made to the LORD. God promised the enemy seven years, and it is up to the church to get his temple built to get him those years. Cain was a tiller of the ground, which means he worked hard; he…

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The Covering is for Your Protection

A brother thinking he knew God once asked me, does God need Protecting? That is not a question that you would ask an angel who watched man beat the most wonderful man who ever lived until his visage was unrecognizable—God who came to us in the form of Jesus Christ. That angel would say it…

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