Let Us Never Ever Forget We Have Enemies of Christ and They Infiltrate.

We are coming up on our 21st anniversary of 9/11, and Father and I want you to see why history repeats and who is behind it. Jesus came for the children of Israel first, but as they were stubborn, he turned to the gentiles insisting we be witnesses to them as well and how the…

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Battle Cry – We Don’t LOVE TRUTH and God Rejoices In It. The TRUTH that is.

Battle Cry is a publication produced by a great man who won many souls to Christ; amazing how his appointed time called home points to it is a wise man who wins souls. Before you judge me, know that the KJV served us and built America setting countless souls free from the clutches of the…

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Opening the Vault for the fight Germ Warfare- Part 3

God made America look as much like his Government as possible through man. Many of my Protestant friends claimed they had Catholic friends, and some kept insisting that they were Christians too. That some Catholics love Christ they would say, I insisted and still do that isn’t the point, we need them all to love…

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Fishers of Men

In ancient Babylon, a false god by the name of Baal was worshiped after they had forgotten Noah and the flood. Babylonian gods only survive because people feed them, demons twisting the stories of scripture, knowing man's heart is dark and embraces their nonsense. For the elect, it makes no sense at all; it only…

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We Showed Him Who’s Boss.

He thought he could just come in and slay a dragon and set captives free by opening the word of God to the world and telling us Jesus has a value that's worth the world. Letting us know Christ is at the door. LOL, what a maroon. We showed him with our awesome powers of…

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Bill W. has nothing on David R.

The faith of a mustard seed can move mountains. It is not the size of the faith as much as it is to whom we place it in. AA teaches one to place their faith in a higher power, hoping that the person will eventually gravitate toward the true high power?? No, it needs to…

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Have You Read John? Everyone Needs to Read John Again.

The gospel of John is the best gospel of the four,  there is a good reason. Note there are 21 Chapters that is 777 if you read it 7 chapters a day in three days one would be through it. To show God you mean business read it with an invite to each of the…

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The Burning Men Attempting to Make the Burning Man

2 Thessalonians 2:2-12 KJV (2)  That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. (3)  Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come…

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My Friend David Knows Who Was Really Behind 9/11

Like C.S. Lewis, whom Father took home at the age of 64 on the day they shot John F. Kennedy (Psalm 64:1-10) just to reveal we are not blind to what is going on, and we hold his church responsible. My friend went home at the age of 42, 37 days after 9/11. Psalm 37:1-40…

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The Lesson Eustace Scrubb’s Can Teach US.

Or how to get the dragon to pull the boat to our destination. Eustace Scrubbs is the fictional character in C.S. Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia who appears in "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader." He is an unbeliever who takes on the form of a Dragon after touching the cursed Gold and taking a piece…

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Humans breed dogs but breeding man is the job of the spirits.

Like soldiers on a battle reenactment stage, so are the spirits shaping man's future, the good trying to breed the violence out of us while the bad seek violence and cause it. Darkness moves those in darkness while those who love the creator and believe in HIM move closer to the light.  More light brings…

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Daily My Enemies Swallow Me Up Psalm 56:1-2

“A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children's children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.” Proverbs 13:22 The wealth of the sinner is also the same wealth of HIS enemies. There are very few of us who know how we are going to die. Jesus knew from the…

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A compass can help you find your way home.

There are four corners of the earth NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, and WEST.  Anyone, not just hikers, soldiers, troopers, girl scouts, or even boy scouts, can tell you the value of a compass on a journey; it's there, so you do not lose your way back home. Let's not forget the other four points Northeast, Southeast,…

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The Truth about Natural Selection

The devil is naturally seeking whom he may devour. Ever Notice the Evolutionists working so hard to deny there is a creator and that the Bible is not a book written by the spirit of God who possessed men to write it? Christians believe in God because the HOLY SPIRIT in us confirms it's true,…

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Family Feud A House Divided Cannot Stand

The ultimate goal is to win the world to Jesus, and Peter was tasked with drawing the Jews to accept HIM as their Messiah and Lord. It has been with great effort that the enemy has held them from knowing Jesus. Let us never forget we are grafted into the vine. We have what we…

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Those who cannot speak and believe in the seven words will remain in the tribulation.

God spoke the word, and the heavens and earth were formed. That's how important these seven are to know and understand. Denying them as being true is denying God. Proverbs 3:3-5 KJV (3)  Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart: (4)  So…

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