The Heavens Declare HIS GLORY and They Can’t Be Changed!

The full layout of the tabernacle with star signs is midway down the first page of the website that is now the home page which is a timeline of events leading to our rapture. 2 Thessalonians 2:3  Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a…

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Read more about the article Slavery and the men behind it.
The priesthood began in Babylon it made slaves using the fear over the people of their eternal destiny. The priesthoods father before Moses is the devil and they lie to keep their positions of power. It transfers to Egypt the State and the priesthood keep the people in check.

Slavery and the men behind it.

Slavery is the act of placing another in chains to serve the one who holds the key to setting them free. It is the slave owner who profits from the work of the slave that he does not have to do himself.  For the Christian,  we were once slaves to sin. Those who remain in…

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Read more about the article Samson Destroyed the Philistines.
Look what King Bobby found in Egypt that I was trying to hide from you all.

Samson Destroyed the Philistines.

We need to save the Philistines; we can do it with truth.  If they refuse to believe then when the church is gone they will see that we told the truth. They will know those who kept them from Christ.  We need to win as many to Christ as we can before we depart. In…

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Saint Charles Thomson

Charles Thomson was most noted for being the secretary of the Continental Congress of early America and the translator of the Greek Bible into English he was well read in the scriptures. The early believers of that time understood something that we have forgotten.  It only takes a few generations, and soon the truth is hidden. That…

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Will the real Antichrist please stand up.

The lead image is that of puritan men and those who were not in league with the devil to keep the word away from the world. Those who opened the Bible were called Antichrist by the Antichrists. Too bad many Muslims would have found Christ several hundred years ago maybe even before Mohammed arrived had…

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Read more about the article G-d’s Fierce Anger
10 raised cuts x the eye of eight equals 80 subtract the pyramids that should have never been built the Psalm is 78.

G-d’s Fierce Anger

I have been provoked on several occasions and then have the enemy through the same provoker tell me I should not get angry. That doing so will ruin my testimony Satan is so clever.  His ministers of light at the top of their game, still G-d promised that the devil could not hide anything from…

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Read more about the article Community, unity,  winning in one accord.
There are 409 crop circles making up this harvest winnowing fan 409 chapters into the Bible we find the reconstruction of the second temple. What could this possibly mean?

Community, unity, winning in one accord.

The angels/ spirits that make up this image are in one accord each circle represents a spirit by age, and there are many young children's spirits that aid in its composition.  It is a fan, in a harvest,  it is called a winnowing fan.  The wheat for the master's storehouse falls in the front while the…

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Delight in HIM and HE shall give you the desires of your Heart.

[spreaker type=player resource="episode_id=9710398" theme="light" autoplay="false" playlist="false" width="100%" height="200px"] There are ten kings who have not yet received their kingdoms one of these will be a traitor and his ride. He doesn't want me a truck driver in the transportation business servicing Land Air Express.   I obviously have designs on destroying his kingdom and setting captives…

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If you see something say something.

And there shall be upon every high mountain, and upon every high hill, rivers and streams of waters in the day of the great slaughter, when the towers fall.  (Isaiah 30:25) 2001 Twin Towers were taken down seven years later in 2008 700 billion dollars left America's economy.  The same amount coincidently mentioned by John…

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