The Earth is the Lords, and He may give it to whomever He wills…

He simply placed a value on His Son. What is G-d's Son's honor worth to Him?   What is Jesus's honor valued at to you?   After all, He is the only-begotten Son of G-d full of grace and truth who suffered for the sins of the world, mine and yours. Real Christians know that G-d loves…

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A tabernacle of tears…

[spreaker type=standard width=100% autoplay=false episode_id=5290202] The image is that of a temple we find throughout America within them people whom deny the very deity of Christ while they place his name on their delusional misunderstanding of his word. Above the temple the star of Bethlehem. At Christmas, these people shine as they sing wonderfully while…

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Read more about the article My shelter from the coming storm.
There are 888 raised sections. 8 is the number of perfection in a triune grouping like this it all three in agreement Christ is the only way to be protected from death.

My shelter from the coming storm.

[spreaker type=standard width=100% autoplay=false episode_id=5221000] Evil will eventually devour itself taking many with them who are lost and have no covering or protection from the fallout. Millions die each day entering eternity from natural causes, and that is still not enough for the enemy.  The dishonoring and rejecting of G-d's only-begotten  Son keep many from…

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Read more about the article Rapture theologies meet intelligence.
New Jerusalem being unveiled at 6 points.

Rapture theologies meet intelligence.

[spreaker type=standard width=100% autoplay=false episode_id=5213606] Confusion is not of G-d. Historical Premillennialism: This belief was held by a large percentage of Christians "during the first three centuries of the Christian era, and is found in the works of Papias, Irenaeus, Justin Martyr, Tertullian, Hippolytus, Methodius, Commodianus, and Lactanitus."  The Antichrist first appears on earth and…

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Read more about the article Name it and claim it began circa 2589–2566 BC
The cartouche is the name of Khufu found inside the pyramid. Compare this with every other pyramid and their hieroglyphs. Maybe he din't have a big ego at all?

Name it and claim it began circa 2589–2566 BC

[spreaker type=standard width=100% autoplay=false episode_id=5200851] The reason I chose this time is because a certain Egyptian Pharaoh lived according to archeologists who study this period.  That this man was given credit for one of the worlds greatest undertakings. If this time is correct which I believe it cannot be,  because it places him alive before…

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Read more about the article Caesar worship a continued pagan cult.
Have a cookie you will feel right as rain, Here we have a Baptist traitor the cookie can not save him from his history of infidelity only the truth can and that he needs to truly repent.

Caesar worship a continued pagan cult.

[spreaker type=standard width=100% autoplay=false episode_id=5162361] Audio coming but pictures are always worth more than words. Featured image is of a traitor in the Kingdom of G-d whom never knew Christ. Here he takes his spirit shaped wafer known as the body of Christ.  The true body of Christ are those whom are born again and…

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Time is a trap…There’s no time to slumber.

[spreaker type=standard width=100% autoplay=false episode_id=5132120] Romans 1:18 For the wrath of G-d is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; We are running out of time to bring in the harvest. The individuals who share their faith cannot reach the world's population in time before the…

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Women demand equality…

[spreaker type=standard width=100% autoplay=false episode_id=5118897] Women play a crucial role in the final harvest because they help identify Satan and his crowd.  When Jesus was here he took careful interest in the honoring and respecting of women.  Always remember what G-d said to Adam. Genesis 3:17  And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened…

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Time Travel…Yep been done, have proof.

[spreaker type=standard width=100% autoplay=false episode_id=5097308] Isaiah 46:10 I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, 'My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.' -NIV My favorite numbers 4,  6 and 10 finding peace,  we can get there from here. Four deals…

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Read more about the article What Left Behind Left Out
Military bases decommissioned by the Clinton administration, given to FEMA who was once HUD from the Nixon administration. When the church is gone these will be used to house the ones who turn to Christ in the end. So please do it now.

What Left Behind Left Out

Solar storms that can cripple electronics,  the goal is to save souls not kill them with driver less cars and planes falling out of the sky.  We have early warning detection should such a storm approach one severe enough that can do great damage to our transportation and communication systems.  Planes can be grounded and…

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Red rider takes peace from the earth???

[spreaker type=standard width=100% autoplay=false episode_id=5074241] I really hate to be a stick in the mud or throw gum into the works and we are certainly not talking Ralphie, who dreams of owning a Red Rider BB gun. But don't you must first have peace in order to have it taken away? Revelation 6:4 And there…

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Read more about the article For peace to take hold,  step two organize…
The Banner for the house of G-d. 777 makes up the star gate like insignia here. Each point is on the 888 of the twenty and four scrolls that surround the 777.

For peace to take hold, step two organize…

Take a lesson from the world solidarity can make others take notice.  The church must organize around the idea that Jesus is returning to set up a kingdom where he has full authority.  The world will be given two choices our new world order or theirs.  Theirs is a duplicate of Nazi Germany only it…

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Coming out of the prayer closet…

Recently, I purchased some T-shirts to stand in solidarity with my Christian brothers being targeted in Iraq. They are simple and direct. It has the symbol that is being painted on Christian homes by the group ISIS and in Arabic the words (We are Nazarene.) with the hash-tag #WeAreN printed below. If G-d could somehow…

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Read more about the article Those were the daze…
Led by the small majority of educated individuals as was Germany and now America.

Those were the daze…

Remember the good old days when it was the Roman empire killing people telling them to convert or die? That more Christians were killed by them after their amazing Pauline conversion than all the ones before. Revelation 6:10 those are my brothers and sisters whose blood cries out to be avenged.  Add that to all…

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