My two cents...Ignorance of the law is no excuse this is why the word of God should not be hidden from those who need to read it. It's bowing down to the image of the beast to do so.
My two cents...This is a result of a spirit that came out of the false teachings put out by the Catholic Church by the Jesuits called Preterism. The revival for the world is within the old testament the remaking of past Bible stories with an added twist is happening before our eyes "Bizarro ...
When he told Jesus to bow to him he would give him the kingdoms of the earth he was lying, as usual, they did not belong to HIM they always belonged to Jesus. Daniel 4:17 KJV (17) This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the ...
Demons are like this in those who deny conspiracy. Test the spirits and see if they are from God. If they point to those who deny Christ came in the flesh and submit to them then are they, not the same spirit? Jesus is precious to God and free will and sin have not been rooted out of creation ...
This video will help you see the beast in action and the false Christ they serve and want others to serve as well. As for me and my house, I will serve the truth. Placing rocks of offense and causing Israel to stumble is not the job of the body of Christ.