The movie "Jaws" was a spectacular movie. I never liked swimming in the ocean to begin with. I don't like to be where I cannot see what's coming. Note that the elder among them with the most experience fails to kill or catch the shark. This crop circle reveals a set of shark-like teeth in the ...
Man of God tried to tell me that this one was a hoax because some government agency or demons placed what looked like markers is if to say it was human-made. The answer is in whether the reed was damaged or not, were their dead animals in the image unable to escape the lamps but could very ...
There are many who teach such ideas that there is no one wiser than Solomon... Stay away; you would do well. Jesus said there is one wiser than Solomon, and HE was speaking of Himself. When a believer becomes BORN AGAIN of the HOLY SPIRIT, we are given the same and greater than Solomon. We have ...
The gate is that tunnel you always here those who have traveled it seen a light at the end. So you may know if you walk with HIM there is no tunnel those in the tunnel are going to be judged and they are coming out of darkness to the light so its already not looking good. Some get a second ...
How can we undertake the completion of the temple and the uniting of us all without the money saved for us to help the enemy complete his new world order? Someone told me God didn't need money. So I know a god who has lots of it that he needs to give it up. Jesus told me he wanted me to have it ...
The creator of the Universe Cordially invites you to attend the wedding held for His Son Jesus Christ. If it were not for Israel, God would not have a SON, and where would we be if that were true. Because I had no childhood and was hugged deprived, he made me this puzzle to solve. I owe Israel ...
We are talking about the sin that is not under the blood, and the people hide behind it like a red shield. Rothchild I did this audio message not long after I first got the call, since then there has been more growth. But not so much more growth that would allow me to place Papists in positions ...
All it takes is one good Chief. Solving great mysteries is the job of any good detective. We have been told that there are considerable mysteries of God that are too awesome for us to understand by those who don't understand many of them at all. They don't know Jesus, whose example was love, ...
This one has all the elements of the movie there is only one door that leads out. God only made one way into heaven. The floor is a path and the walls ask a question while the ceiling answers it. We have the major players Zion, the Trinity and an Oracle, and the answer to life. The music is ...
Surrounding the Earth is anomalies that appear intelligent. NASA has captured them because technology has advanced to the point we can see we are not alone. This is all part of God's plan. The earth trembled, and the mountains moved, and the fallen angels, not ancient aliens, were trapped by ...