Read more about the article As the Sands (Snows) of Time So are the Days of Our Lives.
Abraham sought a city but he was never going to find this.

As the Sands (Snows) of Time So are the Days of Our Lives.

I was one of those kids who's foster parent plopped them in front of the T.V. while my foster-mother chatted on the phone for hours with her sister.  Speaking in a language, I didn't understand "French." She had been raised to do all her religious training in her native language while being raised in an…

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This news is the only news we need to know!

Jesus is Lord the Plan of God. A story that never changes and brings hope and comfort to all. You can be sure what Jesus did for you was not fake. While Politics has become like the World Wrestling Federation only the less gifted believe it. Below I have placed four YouTube video's one deals…

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The High Cost of Cheap Prices

[notice]Fun Fact: The Metric System according to History had its start in the 16th and 17th century  (History of the Metric System).  However, we find the original first pyramid built without its top on (incomplete) has the outer diameter distance from its inner diameter the value of the speed of light in the metric standard. This…

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Confirmation of the Last Trump

Donald was taught by Jesuits and Jesuits destroy Protestant cultures and keep people from knowing the truth.  Why do they feel they must use someone other than the preaching of Christ to bring peace?  First, it was Obama for the Muslim's now they will try Donald's Son in Law for the Jewish People. Who did…

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Confusion is not of G-d Flat Earthers Why Now?

Fact or fiction? Truth or lie? Jesus said this of our enemy Satan is a liar and the father of them John 8:44.  In this passage, several things stand out one that has always intrigued me as it should any discerning individual when it comes to spiritual truths.  To call him a murderer from the beginning…

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Question’s for flat Earthers.

What is the force that holds the different atoms together that make up each element of the periodic table? When looking at the observable planets why are there not large boulders or chunks of ice falling off at their southern poles? When traveling on a bus at 60 mph and you drop a pencil in the…

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Read more about the article HE Raised Up The Dust To Worship HIM
I will rise up the dust of the ground to replace thee.

HE Raised Up The Dust To Worship HIM

We are told of a war that takes place before man is introduced to the world, a free will agent who carried the Spirit of G-d throughout the congregation. He rebels and insists there is no Son and to worship HIM is unnecessary to have a society. YE of little faith. G-d knew HE would have to…

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I Got Distracted with NASA Hang In there Queen of England I need to make sure you are not the Antichrist Flat Earthers say you are.

Like you never got distracted? Someone said in the flat earth videos that the name  Nasa meant deceiver in Hebrew. However,  I could not find that reference in my concordance or Hebrew-English dictionaries. We are at the precipice of the end of the world and the debate is not about what began it? Everyone is…

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Obedience is better than sacrifice. PAY HER BACK DOUBLE!

It is the joy of the believer to serve G-d and love HIM because HE first loved us. In this relationship, HE asks us to love HIS laws and commandments.  HIS commandments are for the salvation of the lost through genuine reconciliation.  One must be "Born Again" as Jesus commanded in John 3:3 in these last…

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Read more about the article It’s Going to Go Global
They know whom is really controlling the world using their ill gotten wealth.

It’s Going to Go Global

I began to notice it when I was younger watching such shows as Captain Kangaroo, Boomtown with Rex Trailer, then came Romper Room,  they knew about it.  Then came a show that demanded we all knew about it Sesame Street. They brought it worldwide the number 5 came before the number 6; it was on calendars,…

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