Birds THREE they Be Delivering Light Unto Thee.

Would you please pardon my use of that difficult hard to understand King James English? Let me help you to understand it. There are 30 balls of light on our Menorah. Jesus was 30 when he began his ministry and 33 when crucified. He was ancient of days in the flesh and looked rather good for HIS age. The count altogether is 33.  Let’s look at the light first Psalm 30:1-12 look, and it’s about JESUS Psalm 30:3.…

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The Covering is for Your Protection

A brother thinking he knew God once asked me, does God need Protecting? That is not a question that you would ask an angel who watched man beat the most wonderful man who ever lived until his visage was unrecognizable—God who came to us in the form of Jesus Christ. That angel would say it…

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Two New Sites Up and Ready for Worker Bees Life is Good!

The First Site needs no worker bees this site was inspired by killer bees who swarm and kill their victims to protect their phony Queen Bee. Ruthless and she forces all her workers to eat cookies. You will have noticed we have had what is called COLONY COLLAPSE DISORDER (CCD) throughout the US. Good honey…

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Conspiracy theorists were right so now what?

Christians have been telling you of the conspiracy for two thousand years the plan to  separate you from a relationship  with G-d and be lost from your maker forever. Conspiracy theorists are as Watchmen trying to warn you of what evil is up to. While evil is up to is calling the conspiracy people nuts saying…

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Good Shepherds Care About Souls Need I say More?

At least they won't be alone... Thank you, Father, for this beautiful Illustration that says you care about the lost! The covering bigger in comparison to the angels by his stinger. Made up of 14 circles the eyes need not be so we come up with 12 the three angels for how many verses we come…

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Read more about the article I Want POWAH !?!
Ezekiel 28:18 (18) Thou hast defiled thy sanctuaries by the multitude of thine iniquities, by the iniquity of thy traffick; therefore will I bring forth a fire from the midst of thee, it shall devour thee, and I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all them that behold thee.

I Want POWAH !?!

Did you ever wonder what the devil first lied about that Jesus would refer to him as a liar from the beginning and there is no truth in him? Well, it is obvious there is no truth in him because the light no longer dwells inside him he is no longer the bringer of light.…

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New Website Up and Running GREAT NET FISHING ~ The Final Haul.

It's true we are coming in the clouds HTTPS://GR44.NET  serves files from the Cloudflare cloud while Whitehorse-radio delivers from the Amazon cloud meaning that the whole world can find out what is going on when we start celebrating the return of Christ. I love to party and have fun! So whichever one appeals to you to…

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Read more about the article There Are Absolute Truths – Absolutely
Made in the backyard of Rome who gave us the fish and took away the word from us. Just to reveal G-d is not anywhere within them to be found.

There Are Absolute Truths – Absolutely

We cannot call ourselves Christians and reject the truth that is absolutely forbidden when we know G-d absolutely rejoices in the truth. Those who would deny truth are in the other camp on the no-fly list until they learn it.  Those who reject the truth reject G-d and HIS heaven. Daniel 8:12  And a host was given…

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