Women demand equality…

[spreaker type=standard width=100% autoplay=false episode_id=5118897] Women play a crucial role in the final harvest because they help identify Satan and his crowd.  When Jesus was here he took careful interest in the honoring and respecting of women.  Always remember what G-d said to Adam. Genesis 3:17  And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened…

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Read more about the article What Left Behind Left Out
Military bases decommissioned by the Clinton administration, given to FEMA who was once HUD from the Nixon administration. When the church is gone these will be used to house the ones who turn to Christ in the end. So please do it now.

What Left Behind Left Out

Solar storms that can cripple electronics,  the goal is to save souls not kill them with driver less cars and planes falling out of the sky.  We have early warning detection should such a storm approach one severe enough that can do great damage to our transportation and communication systems.  Planes can be grounded and…

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Red rider takes peace from the earth???

[spreaker type=standard width=100% autoplay=false episode_id=5074241] I really hate to be a stick in the mud or throw gum into the works and we are certainly not talking Ralphie, who dreams of owning a Red Rider BB gun. But don't you must first have peace in order to have it taken away? Revelation 6:4 And there…

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Breaking out of the Matrix…We are not alone.

[spreaker type=standard width=100% autoplay=false episode_id=5067808] In this image, we are going to find a Holy Oracle to ask it a question and receive an answer. You alone must find the door that leads to eternal life. There is a very important individual who Neo must meet in order to find out if he is the…

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Read more about the article For peace to take hold,  step two organize…
The Banner for the house of G-d. 777 makes up the star gate like insignia here. Each point is on the 888 of the twenty and four scrolls that surround the 777.

For peace to take hold, step two organize…

Take a lesson from the world solidarity can make others take notice.  The church must organize around the idea that Jesus is returning to set up a kingdom where he has full authority.  The world will be given two choices our new world order or theirs.  Theirs is a duplicate of Nazi Germany only it…

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Coming out of the prayer closet…

Recently, I purchased some T-shirts to stand in solidarity with my Christian brothers being targeted in Iraq. They are simple and direct. It has the symbol that is being painted on Christian homes by the group ISIS and in Arabic the words (We are Nazarene.) with the hash-tag #WeAreN printed below. If G-d could somehow…

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Read more about the article Those were the daze…
Led by the small majority of educated individuals as was Germany and now America.

Those were the daze…

Remember the good old days when it was the Roman empire killing people telling them to convert or die? That more Christians were killed by them after their amazing Pauline conversion than all the ones before. Revelation 6:10 those are my brothers and sisters whose blood cries out to be avenged.  Add that to all…

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Read more about the article Fear not!!!
House of Abel G-d has sent him to turn it the way it should be.

Fear not!!!

A phrase often used by the messengers from heaven the angels always open with FEAR NOT! Unless of course you deny Christ and lack faith then tremble and cry out for your judgment is at hand,  the entrance to heaven will remain closed to those whom reject and disobey the Son of G-d. Woven into…

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Read more about the article We overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony.
They are holding hands and wearing the robes of religion keeping G-d trapped that is why He chooses his judge to expose the fakes.

We overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony.

Can you imagine that in one moment things that were written into your life that you were unaware of as being there suddenly come into the light?  That G-d reveals to you,  you are the one destined to carry his instrument for judgement? What a great opportunity to share Jesus.  Wasn't that the plan to…

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He is back and why not? Meet Enoch.

[spreaker type=standard width=100% autoplay=false episode_id=5003587] The new testament writers and the early Christian church had access to these writings and taught from them. In fact, many passages in the new testament are quoted from this book, and it's just not Jude.  If you are a serious student of G-d why wouldn't you want to know…

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Read more about the article The call with a guarantee.
A butterfly man lifts an ordinary man up because of what he found in Egypt. The ordinary man lifted points to the lifter.

The call with a guarantee.

The Son of G-d will be glorified; He will be lifted up and draw all men as He proclaimed. We will have more than Noah did on his ark and still many will follow behind in martyrdom. These are great days, separating the light from the dark will not be hard once the world recognizes…

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Read more about the article The last straw has been laid.
His head was cut off and another took his place. The power left them and he took America using their money.

The last straw has been laid.

What more proof does anyone need? Belief  in the Nicene creed is not enough,  G-d's word is bigger than that.  To remove the Son of G-d from the Bible is evidence enough to cry ICHABOD. Revelation 18:1-7 (1)  And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the…

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Moses, Elijah, Elisha, Samuel and David did not attend seminary.

[spreaker type=standard width=100% autoplay=false episode_id=4949436]   That goes for Peter, Paul,  James, Phillip, Nathaniel, Lydia and many others who spoke to G-d directly.   Amazing how a little piece of paper can make someone think they have the answers to it all.  So many enter colleges with a belief in G-d and graduate believing Darwin's theory…

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Read more about the article The Italian mob used fronts so does the devil.
"In this sign we will conquer"~Emperor Constantine

The Italian mob used fronts so does the devil.

[spreaker type=standard width=100% autoplay=false episode_id=4942000] Saying your sorry is just another smoke screen many times it is only words without repentance.  True repentance comes when one reveals a change of heart and obedience to the commandments of G-d.  A front is a facade for evil to hide behind.  For example, the dry-cleaners may have a…

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Read more about the article Peter brought hope; he was no dope and certainly no Pope.
There are 409 crop circles making up this harvest winnowing fan 409 chapters into the Bible we find the reconstruction of the second temple. What could this possibly mean?

Peter brought hope; he was no dope and certainly no Pope.

[spreaker type=standard width=100% autoplay=false episode_id=4939523] 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 (13)  For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. (14)  And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. (15)  Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness;…

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