The Key Bridge to Heaven is not through Mary Land but through ONE sacrifice.

I found the number of people, 8, who were reported as casualties like a dark sentence. Interestingly, the number eight refers to Father and Son sitting face to face. There are fifty-five holes in the chainsaw blade times the two thrones or full circles, giving us the all-important clue of 2×55 = Psalm 110:1. Angels…

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National Day of Fasting and Prayer Began With Abraham Lincoln a man Determined to set the Captives Free

Keep in Mind another way to refer to him would be Abe L. I always try and find the blessing in the blessing appointed times are everywhere. The First National Day of Prayer was on a Thursday, the 30th. day of April 1863 4+30+18+63= 115 Psalm 115 fits. By the President of the United States…

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Read more about the article Sir Francis Galton made the Appointed Times List For His Soul Saving Invention.
Inventor of the term eugenics and a soulsaving instrument.

Sir Francis Galton made the Appointed Times List For His Soul Saving Invention.

It is not for his continued studies into his cousin Charles Darwin’s work where he creates the term eugenics. A favorite term of Planned Parenthood, an organization supported by the Bill Gates Foundation who, by the way, was discussing the idea of a Pandemic just before one came out. Wouldn’t it be nice for someone…

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A world full of lies and liars who can you trust?

An acquaintance of mine posted this on her Facebook page, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick prisoners of hope!” Every Government minus the Government of God has killed its people.  Socialism and communism have placed many of their people to death. Our America has been taken over by a socialist agenda that requires a dictator.…

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Found Wanting

We all know it comes before six, or at least should. The below image has 12 all-seeing eyes surrounding the Asian symbol for balance; each eye has four lines, and four times 12 is 48; add the two sections that make up the yin and yang for 50.  The all-seeing eyes with a dot in…

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Never forget Nanjing (Nanking) the Watchman Sees it Coming Again.

On 11/9, 2004, Iris Chang took her own life at 36. She published “The Rape of Nanking” about the atrocities committed in China’s province of Nanking. The Iris is part of the eye that controls the amount of light allowed into the optic nerve. If she knew Jesus, she would have had an inner light…

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They Are Telling You Their Plans I Still Say God Has a Better Plan Found In The Bible.

The following video clip about an Elephant should become the Republican Party’s wake-up call to unite and the Church to stand up and speak out against the Democrats who have turned America into the Antichrist System it has become. Their healthcare plan tries keeping group gatherings under 25 to create their one-world order.  America stood…

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