Read more about the article We overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony.
They are holding hands and wearing the robes of religion keeping G-d trapped that is why He chooses his judge to expose the fakes.

We overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony.

Can you imagine that in one moment things that were written into your life that you were unaware of as being there suddenly come into the light?  That G-d reveals to you,  you are the one destined to carry his instrument for judgement? What a great opportunity to share Jesus.  Wasn't that the plan to…

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Moses, Elijah, Elisha, Samuel and David did not attend seminary.

[spreaker type=standard width=100% autoplay=false episode_id=4949436]   That goes for Peter, Paul,  James, Phillip, Nathaniel, Lydia and many others who spoke to G-d directly.   Amazing how a little piece of paper can make someone think they have the answers to it all.  So many enter colleges with a belief in G-d and graduate believing Darwin's theory…

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Conception of Life

[spreaker type=standard width=100% autoplay=false episode_id=4923812] The images below speak volumes as to when life begins.  The eight  reveals that life is eternal / infinite there are some who are struggling to come into heaven where life is while others are struggling to leave the confines of their never-ending torment. One must begin their heavenly life…

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Read more about the article Fighting Cats and Dogs
If I be lifted up from the earth I will draw all men unto me. That sounds like a revival.

Fighting Cats and Dogs

[spreaker type=standard width=100% autoplay=false episode_id=4889295] I am placing my eternity on the cat "The Lion of the Tribe of Judah" as for the dog, they always seem to return to their own vomit and go through the trash leaving surprising little messes one has to clean up. Rome seeks to remove the term Son of…

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Returning to Eden the origins of life.

[spreaker type=standard width=100% autoplay=false episode_id=4862493] Life for man begins in a garden, a garden that was here long before man was introduced into the creation.  Was Lucifer made on the first day of creation? Was the rebellion on the second, third or fourth?  Is science completely wrong about the age of the earth? Are creationists?…

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Read more about the article Revelations in the Bible
A book with 56 raised crops marking verse 4. Psalms 56:4 (4) In G-d I will praise his word, in G-d I have put my trust; I will not fear what flesh can do unto me.

Revelations in the Bible

[spreaker type=standard width=100% autoplay=false episode_id=4726930]  Jesus loves me this I know for the crop circles tell me so. Numbers 24:9 (9) He couched, he lay down as a lion, and as a great lion: who shall stir him up? Blessed is he that blesseth thee, and cursed is he that curseth thee. Genesis 35:24 (24)…

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Read more about the article Communication and Transportation
Angel outpost observing man. Learning what is good and what is evil.

Communication and Transportation

[spreaker type=standard width=100% autoplay=false episode_id=4647353] Two great events are going to happen in the last days, ministers should be focusing on these two more than any other. How G-d will communicate the hour and preparing their members to board the train. 2 Thessalonians 2:3 (3) Let no man deceive you by any means: for that…

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Episode Six

The Beast and the Dragon [spreaker type=standard width=100% autoplay=false episode_id=3509011] Isaiah 14:12-15 KJV  How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!  (13)  For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my…

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