To Win The Hearts and Minds of the World.

King David was to Israel the greatest King ever, and the word of God (Bible) teaches us he was a man after God's own heart. Many of the crop circles on the grounds of Protestant England point to these Psalms as I know without a doubt God is after our hearts and minds. Today we…

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I don’t know why it’s so hard to admit it When being honest is the only way to fix it! ~ Matthew West

David was a man after God's own heart and he wrote many of the Psalms that the crop circles are pointing to because God is after our hearts including the lost. God would like the Church of England the Anglican Church to be the master of ceremonies where many of these are made to celebrate…

Continue ReadingI don’t know why it’s so hard to admit it When being honest is the only way to fix it! ~ Matthew West

Doesn’t Seem Fair??? The gifts HE gives or the gift HE is?

When you make an agreement, you are to stick to it, keep your vows you made to the LORD. God promised the enemy seven years, and it is up to the church to get his temple built to get him those years. Cain was a tiller of the ground, which means he worked hard; he…

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Seeking the Sides of the North the Power Crazed

Do I lack faith if I believe God to save billions of souls in the end? Hebrews 13:2   Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. In the second rebellion, the angels saw the daughters of men and bailed from heaven to be with them so God shortened man's…

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If Only Remus had killed his brother Romulus we would be dealing with Remans not Romans.

From Malachi to the Birth of Christ God remained silent on the earth in order to allow the enemy to gather all his false gods into Rome in order to hinder the work of Christ. The images below are part of the following audio message. Jesus is coming to destroy the wicked and will you…

Continue ReadingIf Only Remus had killed his brother Romulus we would be dealing with Remans not Romans.

The best the world has to offer is still pale in comparison to what God has made.

One of the movies we would run at the Christian Film Festivals of America was the end time scenario the actor who played the Antichrist would have people look into his VR headset where they would then be shown the beast and worship him. It is not that at all; the image of the beast…

Continue ReadingThe best the world has to offer is still pale in comparison to what God has made.

A real Mrs. B. Eagle Exposes the Truth about her Church and Why this must all end.

We are blessed to have two men so faithful to God such as Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron, men working to win the lost to Christ, those of you in the know and who have watched the movie "Fireproof" an Alex Kendrick film which stars Kirk Cameron who plays Caleb Holt whose marriage is in…

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