It just doesn’t happen in Hallmark Movies; it also takes place in real life.
You seek a soulmate, and one comes along. Usually, they come in pairs, and there is a decision to be made to choose the one who will treat you better and love you the longest they are going to be the better candidate.
Many women feel good at seeing the rivalry and chivalry on their behalf, but theologically one is good, and the other is a poor choice. Look to see just how much they love God and HIS word watch to see how God prospers him like he did Jacob, and Joseph.
God loves America when it does the right things, but after WWII, they did not exact justice for HIS people. They embraced the darkness, and everything began to escalate from there. However, the false Church had been setting up shop since it was among the thirteen colonies.
Seeing how the enemy of the Church who plays Church will be thrown into the bottomless pit for a thousand years, only to be shortly let loose again, then left in the lake of fire along with those who followed him and took the mark.
Jesus is the obvious choice; if you do not stand on HIS teachings, you cannot consider yourself a Christian.
Can we truly expect God to do greater things with us, ignorant of the enemy’s tactics?
Whether we want to admit it or not, spiritual forces are using their influence; making the wrong choice can lead to disaster, broken homes, hurting children loveless marriages. People who have been hurt tend to trust a little less than most; they come in with scars. Many times it may have been a parent, who was meant to protect them and teach them, but they failed because no one was there for them to learn from. A vicious demonic cycle as they laugh at our ignorance of them.
Most of the trouble is because those who claimed to know God hid his word from the people, which is demonic activity.
If you are their first, having waited for them, you stand a better chance than someone who gave away the farm; trust is a deficiency in many of us, and the devil will use it to his end, destroying families and children.
Jesus sent his word preparing the way for HIS coming; in that word were prophecies and promises, lessons for us to not make the same mistakes, HIS word a lamp and light to our feet, the gift of the HOLY SPIRIT came to guide us to walk in the ways of the one who gave up HIS spirit so that we may overcome the world.
Reading his word protects us from the darkness seeking to make our lives miserable, a good nation begins with a good foundation, and America was built with God in mind, the true God. The God who hates anything that would cause his chosen people to stumble or come to harm. No coincidence, “we the people” made the inverted pyramid because God wanted to lift up HIS SON’s honor and show the world the true value of Jesus and what HE can accomplish when HE is exalted.
That is the Christ we should serve, not the antisemitic one who makes slaves of us.
What baffles me is that so many others equipped with the gifts can also support and defend antisemitic behavior? While those who lack this incredible anointing (John MacArthur) does not embrace Catholicism at all?
I mean, it would be nice if John respected the listed gifts in Corinthians. If you have never had a fire, then every fire is a strange fire. I believe they still exist because God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Some of them are not from God; this is where discernment must come in.
MacArthur doesn’t acknowledge the gifts because many of them who claim them are blown around clouds without water; often, many of them come without discernment.
Ecstatic speech is real, and can’t the enemy duplicate the gifts?
We can see by the word he can duplicate and imitate gifts and leave out valuable information that directly reveals his part in the translation, and upon finding that truth, we do not go and support a word that lies and hides the enemies of God.
It is not a coincidence that everyone that came out shortly thereafter, that nation from which it was produced, suffered financial hardship.
Namely, America is the biggest offender of translating the word of God. That’s why China will be taking over. Communism happens when a vacuum is present and God’s word is withheld. Can we truly expect God to do greater things with us, ignorant of the enemy’s tactics?
The Bible tells us that the enemy makes his ministers into ministers of righteousness, and you can tell who they are by those who support the antisemitism in the Church. When men start spewing Catholicism from the pulpits and how they could tell by Tolkien’s writings he was a Christian all because he was Catholic. The watchtower writings reveal for those who do not know any better appear as Christian writings, but we do not speak well of Charles Taze Russel or Joseph Smith.
Mormons are convinced they have the whole truth, and it is hard once someone believes a lie that you can correct it. Joseph’s birthdate reveals the scripture passage that calls him a liar right out of the womb.
The foundational truth and doctrine that we can stand firmly on that reveal the false Churches is their love for Israel and her people. Abraham’s descendants represent the angels of heaven-born from the free women, while those who had been born to Ishamael from the woman in bondage a slave girl of Sarah Hagar, represent the angels who left heaven to be with the women of men. God does not blame them for the taking down of the twin towers. He blames Catholicism.
So who represents the devil? The answer is found in the word of God, one that worked incredibly well and was made possible by the Protestants, or the one manipulated and controlled by a priesthood with a history of killing Protestants and keeping Jewish people from finding Christ?
Matthew 23 is only 5 chapters from Mathew 28.
Make no mistake, they sold America down the river, and the Dragon of Rome fell in love with the Dragons of China because they are going to exterminate the population. COVID is nothing compared to what they are bringing you. The mascot of Portugal was once two green dragons.
The road to heaven is narrow, not wide; below is an indicator of who is not coming up in the rapture. Why do God and I do it this way? So I can get harmony instead of the sounds of an orchestra tuning up in the pit. I need all the saints I can get to bring peace to the world and to lift up Jesus, the one I love who is not antisemitic.
Don’t ask me to bow to the image of the beast now. Wait until a peace accord is struck with Israel, and then, after the head injury, I will gladly support them and do what they like doing best, killing real Christians and sending them home the hard way.
Having me bend to the apostates’ will not stop China from taking over America and harming the loved ones you prayed for.
First up 1941,
England was ecumenical and behind this translation.
The New Testament was released in 1941, and the Old Testament was released in 1949; Hitler and the Nazi Party 1942 -1947, Europe paid dearly.
BBE Bible in Basic English published in 1949, missing is the word respect.
Genesis 4:4 BBE And Abel gave an offering of the young lambs of his flock and of their fat. And the Lord was pleased with Abel’s offering;
Psalm 56 : 1-2 BBE enemies hidden again, replenish missing in both places it was in the KJV with Adam and Eve and then again with Noah which defines the first replenish.
Psalms 56:1-2 BBE (1) To the chief music-maker; put to Jonath elem rehokim. Of David. Michtam. When the Philistines took him in Gath. Have mercy on me, O God, for man is attempting my destruction; every day he makes cruel attacks against me. (2) My haters are ever ready to put an end to me; great numbers are lifting themselves up against me.
Genesis 1 : 28 BBE And God gave them his blessing and said to them, Be fertile and have increase, and make the earth full and be masters of it; be rulers over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing moving on the earth.
Genesis 9 : 1 BBE And God gave his blessing to Noah and his sons, and said, Be fertile, and have to increase, and make the earth full.
Next 1971.
NASB and NLT published 1971. Then in 1972, Watergate took place, and Henry Kissinger opened trade with China, the beginning of judgment worst move this country ever made. It was the beginning of job loss, and the end of the mom-and-pop shops as Walmart would take advantage of low prices so you could save for your children’s future?????
A water gate is a gate for halting or controlling the flow of water in a watercourse; a floodgate. I am waiting for repentance to open up the floodgates.
Both bibles, the NASB and the New Living Testament were published by different publishers and authors (scribes) in the same year, 1971. Both hide the words “replenish” found in only two places in the Bible Genesis 1:28 KJV and Genesis 9:1 KJV. God commanded Adam and Eve and Noah to do this on the earth. They also remove respect, a seven-letter word where God first had it for Abel and his offering. Which, by the way, got him killed. Lucifer insisted God had no Son and wanted the seat in heaven that was reserved for the SON of Man on the right hand of God. Several translations also hide the clear picture of who God’s enemies are, as written by King David in Psalm 56:1-2 KJV.
Genesis 4:4 NASB, Genesis 1:28 NASB, Genesis 9:1 NASB, Psalm 56:1-2 NASB
Genesis 1:28 NLT, Genesis 9:1 NLT, Psalm 56:1-2 NLT
Next 1978,
Not a watchman to be found we kid about this one as being the truckers Bible, The New International Version the consequences on the other hand were no laughing matter.
NIV Published in 1978 by Zondervan, following event Worldwide Unemployment rises after several decades of near full employment, dollar plummets in value against European economies. Psalm 56:1-2 NIV. True enemies of David and God are hidden that swallow HIM up are missing again?
Genesis 4:4 NIV, Genesis 1:28 NIV, Genesis 9:1 NIV, Psalm 56:1-2 NIV
Next UP 1982-83,
NKJV published 1982-1983 by Thomas Nelson, now Harper Collins record low temperatures in dozens of cities throughout the Midwestern United States forcing the consumption of more oil, 1983 China’s Population reaches 1 billion. Unemployment Rises in the US to 12 million, the highest figure since 1941. The world population reaches 4.7 billion. Psalm 56:1-2 NKJV kept it once replenish gone in both places, still showing respect a little more than the others.
Genesis 1:28 NKJV, Genesis 9:1 NKJV, Psalm 56:1-2 NKJV
Next 1987,
ERV Easy to Read Version 1987 Copyright by World Bible Translation Center (Headquarters Texas) There is no Genesis four four, enemies hidden again that swallow HIM up, replenish missing both times.
1987, 30 people are killed in a Texas tornado.
However, at 8:16 PM, another tornado touched down just east of the town, about 2 miles (3.2 km) from Saragosa, north of Interstate 10. It initially destroyed farms and outbuildings before evolving into a large multiple vortex tornado before entering Saragosa, intensifying sharply into a violent F4 tornado. Twenty-two people were killed inside the Catholic Hall of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, where a graduation ceremony for pre-schoolers was taking place. Eight others were killed elsewhere across the town, including one inside a car.
The worst damage occurred inside most of the business and residential areas. Trees were debarked, and homes were reduced to their foundations. Eighty percent of the town was destroyed. In addition to Catholic Hall, 118 homes, the post office, a grocery store, two churches, and a school were also heavily damaged or destroyed. Damage was estimated at about $1.4 million. The tornado’s path length was nearly 3 miles (4.8 km) long and about 800 meters wide. ~ wiki
The first contemporary global financial crisis unfolded on October 19, 1987, a day known as “Black Monday,” when the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 22.6 percent.
Genesis 4 : 3 ERV At harvest time, Cain brought a gift to the LORD. He brought some of the food that he grew from the ground, but Abel brought some animals from his flock. He chose some of his best sheep and brought the best parts from them. The LORD accepted Abel and his gift.
Genesis 1 :28 ERV God blessed them and said to them, “Have many children. Fill the earth and take control of it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the air. Rule over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
Genesis 9 : 1 ERV God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them, “Have many children. Fill the earth with your people.
Psalms 56 : 1-2 ERV (1) To the director: To the tune “The Dove in the Distant Oak.” A miktam of David written when the Philistines captured him in Gath. God, people have attacked me, so be merciful to me. They have been chasing me all day, closing in to attack me.
(2) My enemies come at me constantly. There are too many fighters to count.
Next 1991-1995,
CEV (Contemporary English Version) again enemies hid Psalm 56:1-2 CEV, respect taken from Abel, Genesis 4:4 CEV replenish missing in both places.
NT published 1991 January 17 – Gulf War: Operation Desert Storm begins with air strikes against Iraq. Ka-ching
OT published 1995 U.S. rescues Mexico’s economy with a $20-billion aid program (Feb. 21) would have been better spent on a Bible reading program to escape their bondage to Rome.
Genesis 4 : 4 CEV and Abel also gave an offering to the LORD. He killed the first-born lamb from one of his sheep and gave the LORD the best parts of it. The LORD was pleased with Abel and his offering,
Genesis 1 : 28 CEV God gave them his blessing and said: Have a lot of children! Fill the earth with people and bring it under your control. Rule over the fish in the ocean, the birds in the sky, and every animal on the earth.
Genesis 9 : 1 CEV God said to Noah and his sons: I am giving you my blessing. Have a lot of children and grandchildren, so people will live everywhere on this earth.
Psalms 56 : 1-2 CEV (For the music leader. To the tune “A Silent Dove in the Distance.” A special psalm by David when the Philistines captured him in Gath.) Have pity, God Most High! My enemies chase me all day.
(2) Many of them are pursuing and attacking me,
Next 2001,
ESV published in 2001 by Crossway. The event after its publication was September 11, famously called 9/11, which is the exact opposite of Genesis 11:9? Psalm 56:1-2 ESV. The enemy of David is missing again, and God blames them for the twin towers and has a crop image to support the claim as the lines that extend from the towers fall on the true axis of evil-doers, the Vatican.
Genesis 4:4 ESV, Genesis 1:28 ESV, Genesis 9:1 ESV, Psalm 56:1-2 ESV
There are 80 squares and two towers. Psalm 82:1-8 absolutely fits—the lines wrapped around the globe fall directly upon the true axis of evil.
Next 2019,
ISV 2011 was the digital version the printed publications are expected in 2019. I won’t COVID this completely but here are the same passages AGAIN!
Genesis 4:4 ISV while Abel offered the best parts of some of the firstborns from his flock. The LORD looked favorably upon Abel and his offering,
Genesis 1:28 ISV God blessed these humans by saying to them, “Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, and subdue it! Be masters over the fish in the ocean, the birds that fly, and every living thing that crawls on the earth!”
Genesis 9:1 ISV God blessed Noah and his sons and ordered them, “Be productive, multiply, and fill the earth.
Psalms 56:1-2 ISV To the Director: A special Davidic psalm to the tune of “A Silent Dove Far Away,” when the Philistines seized him in Gath. Have mercy on me, God, because men have harassed me. Those who oppress me have fought against me all day long.
(2) Those who watch me all day have harassed me, for there are many who fight against me out of conceit.
The entire system is built on lies and liars, so is it no wonder Daniel 8:12 becomes necessary. We know Jesus is the TRUTH so who is this?
The twin towers go back to Genesis 11:9, where God makes sure the name of the city is called Babel. Confusion is found there drop the B and the confusion goes away. If you do not have respect for Abel and his offering, you just don’t have respect for what God has it for. The offering and the final message to end the age God’s SON’s honor is worth the world!
Truth sets people free; if darkness is in you, how great is that darkness? Why defend what is clearly tainted by Satan? Then you get angry with me because I do not support or honor it. Man constantly rejects Jesus, and how HE does it is beyond me. I was raised with a lot of it myself, and battling the enemy in the Church is kinking my armor all because I said about Obama if he is the antichrist, I want to wrap my arms around him and thank him for coming our Jesus is next.
Is God looking for men who will defend HIS word? In doing so, it is protecting and defending the kingdom, is it not?