Read more about the article The Fish the Angels Do Not Want- The Pilot Fish is One.
Your God who loves you made me look like this for a reason!

The Fish the Angels Do Not Want- The Pilot Fish is One.

Follow me, Jesus said of himself, and HE will make us fishers of men! Look at his cute little prison outfit a living parable. The crop image for this post is a set of shark teeth that in real life the pilot fish help clean. It’s a living parable. Note how it distorts the star…

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Read more about the article The overlook.
Ukraine. A magical autumn sunrise, with mist creeping over valleys, over mountain formations far from civilization. Synevyr pass located in the Carpathian mountains.

The overlook.

Discernment is a valuable gift given to the chosen and elect of God. Having served in a Christian Film festival for over 20 years, we made it a point when inviting others to receive Christ as their savior to fill out counselor cards; then we would give them to ministers in their community who participated…

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Read more about the article Finding The Missing Five Holy Fathers or are Two Imposters not even part of the SEVEN?
Seven arms with eight angels at each attacking the symbol for Satan throwing him into the bottomless piit. He is protected by the clergy who claims they can pull Jesus out of heaven and put him in a wafer.

Finding The Missing Five Holy Fathers or are Two Imposters not even part of the SEVEN?

If imposters exist, why, and where are they taking their followers? A house divided against itself cannot stand; the word tells us that the lost will know us by our love.  If the lost are looking in, and they are, they also have opinions, and their decision against Christ is that there is no order…

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What is a Watchman To Do?

The Watchman’s speech must be sweet, so raindrops make beautiful crowns in the splash and flowers open,  birds sing, and spiders build symmetrical webs, children laugh, and he will not upset anyone. God is bringing a sword on the wicked, and we must insist the Watchman be kind and Christian-like and not speak out against…

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Our only HOPE is that it Is not a FALSE Peace Plan the next Time or We Suffer Another Financial Disaster Worse then all the OTHERS.

For the sake of America, it better be the right peace plan!  None of us can afford it not to be. Whenever we did not bring the peace plan God desired, we suffered financial hardships in natural disasters right after we tried. The same is true whenever a new translation of HIS word is published;…

Continue ReadingOur only HOPE is that it Is not a FALSE Peace Plan the next Time or We Suffer Another Financial Disaster Worse then all the OTHERS.

A very bad interpertation of the word can cause a world of (to) hurt.

I often listen to KRDU FM on iHeart radio in the big truck; it’s California’s Christian Talk Radio. One of the programs I love to hear is “Thru the Bible Radio,” a broadcast with J. Vernon McGee, who is now at home with the LORD. He was a Presbyterian like D. James Kennedy of Coral…

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The Only Top King Forever the King of Kings all Three Sections Combined.

April 10th, 2022, was Palm Sunday Easter week, and I had chosen to spend it with my only son. We met up in Ft. Lauderdale; he flew in from California. He is my only lineage, past or present that I have known whom I have not seen in nearly seven years. I would undoubtedly see…

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Thank You For the Following Men Who Serve You LORD Support them LORD Have Your Children Subscribe to Them.

The image of the new Jerusalem in crop fields of England each gate is framed by an inverted pyramid/triangle shape winged angels standing guard behind them comprised of two raised sections for twelve. The star of David in the Center has ten raised areas. We are at 34 raised sections. There are 18 dotted circles…

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Opening the Vault for the fight Germ Warfare- Part 3

God made America look as much like his Government as possible through man. Many of my Protestant friends claimed they had Catholic friends, and some kept insisting that they were Christians too. That some Catholics love Christ they would say, I insisted and still do that isn’t the point, we need them all to love…

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American Mercy

We ended WWII by revealing to the world the power of the United States of America by dropping two nuclear devices on two cities, wiping out 105,000 souls in an instant. Before doing so, we dropped leaflets in both cities, warning them what was headed their way. What no gospel tracts??? It was America, after…

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