A compass can help you find your way home.

There are four corners of the earth NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, and WEST.  Anyone, not just hikers, soldiers, troopers, girl scouts, or even boy scouts, can tell you the value of a compass on a journey; it's there, so you do not lose your way back home. Let's not forget the other four points Northeast, Southeast,…

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One Smart Pharaoh vs One Not So Smart

The first is a man not "born again," not filled with the HOLY SPIRIT but spiritually sensitive enough to know God had plans for Abram and Sarai. Genesis 12:10-20 KJV (10)  And there was a famine in the land: and Abram went down into Egypt to sojourn there; for the famine was grievous in the…

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I don’t know why it’s so hard to admit it When being honest is the only way to fix it! ~ Matthew West

David was a man after God's own heart and he wrote many of the Psalms that the crop circles are pointing to because God is after our hearts including the lost. God would like the Church of England the Anglican Church to be the master of ceremonies where many of these are made to celebrate…

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The Covering is for Your Protection

A brother thinking he knew God once asked me, does God need Protecting? That is not a question that you would ask an angel who watched man beat the most wonderful man who ever lived until his visage was unrecognizable—God who came to us in the form of Jesus Christ. That angel would say it…

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Angels We Have Heard On HIGH Not From Aliens

The confusion between them is common it usually has to do with respect of God verses disrespecting God. Those who seek to deny a creator and one to be accountable too usually go with the Alien theory which is easy to do if one sides with the darkness and not the light. I have issues…

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The worlds of Illusion, Delusion and Confusion

If you watch closely at the above header it is one that I placed up at G119R911.info  on the Kingdom Builders page these people are not interested in building a Kingdom for Jesus the Son of the Most  High G-d. As you can see they expect him to come back and find the same evil empire…

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The Seven Websites Not Quite Noah’s Ark However the Laughs are the Same

Why did not G-d give a man the same instincts he did the animal kingdom? They sense danger and instinctively know where to run and hide or flee from it.  Man,  embraces evil and spits in the face of almighty G-d. A G-d who has nothing but love towards them still they curse the one…

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Mr. Microphone and I

There is no stalemate in this battle between good and evil,  there is a winner, and there is a loser the loser fears the winner will begin to declare his victory long before the end. Newsflash the victory was won when Jesus rose up from the grave,  that enemy was death. Death did say he wanted to…

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