Here is the heart-wrenching struggle of a man torn between his religion and Christ, between men's traditions and God's Word.
Would he obey his church or his Bible?
Here is the heart-wrenching struggle of a man torn between his religion and Christ, between men's traditions and God's Word. As a child, Charles Chiniquy memorized Scriptures at his mother's knee. Longing to serve God, he became a Roman Catholic priest. He wanted to trust his "church", but was tormented as he watched it repeatedly violate the Word of God that it claimed to obey. Finally, Chiniquy was ordered to give up his precious Bible and pledge blind obedience to the "church." After a dark night of struggle, he emerged gloriously saved through faith in Christ.
Learn how he led almost his entire Catholic congregation to trust in Christ alone. See how his desire to please his Saviour caused conflicts with his Catholic superiors. Learn how he was framed by the Jesuits, and how a young lawyer named Abraham Lincoln saved his reputation. Chiniquy proves that it was the Jesuits who later killed Lincoln, and explains why. All Christians need to learn these important insights into the Catholic religion, written by one who lived within her walls for many years.
This is an excellent look at the religious system of the Catholic Church from the inside.
Charles Chiniquy was born at Kamouraska, Quebec, Canada, to Roman Catholic parents. He studied at the college of Nicolet in Canada; after graduation he entered the priesthood (at an early age) and continued therein until he was an old man. At the age of 49 he left the Roman church, taking his congregation with him, and became a Presbyterian minister. His encounters with the inner workings of the Roman church are enlightening and could come only from someone who was embedded in such a system for so many years. He later published a number of books and tracts on temperance and about his life and experiences in the Catholic Church, some of which became very popular and were translated into several languages.
In this book he covers such subjects as:
- The Bible and the priests of Rome
- Preparation for the First Communion – initiation to idolatry
- Intellectual education in the Roman Catholic Colleges
- Moral and religious instruction in the Roman Catholic Colleges
- Protestant children in the convents and nunneries of Rome
- Rome and education: why the church of Rome hates the common schools of the United States and wants to destroy them
- Theology of the church of Rome: its anti-Christian character
- The vow of celibacy
- The impurities of the theology of Rome
- The priest of Rome and the holy fathers
- How the author swore to give up the word of God to follow the word of men
- The Roman Catholic priesthood, or ancient and modern idolatry
- Nine consequences of the dogma of transubstantiation